Closing Sunroof — Manual Mode
To close the sunroof, press and hold the switch in the forward position. Any release of the switch will stop the movement and the sunroof will remain in a partially closed condition until the switch is pushed and held forward again.
See also:
Intermittent, Low And High Speed Wipers
Rotate the end of the lever to one of the first five detent
positions for intermittent wiper operation, the sixth detent
for low wiper operation and the seventh detent for
high wiper operation.
Opening Sunroof — Manual Mode
To open the sunroof, press and hold the switch rearward
to full open. Any release of the switch will stop the
movement and the sunroof will remain in a partially
opened condition until the switc ...
Radio AM
To switch to the AM band, say “AM” or “Radio AM”. In
this mode, you may say the following commands:
• “Frequency #” (to change the frequency)
• “Next Station” (to select the ne ...