Outside Mirrors

To receive maximum benefit, adjust the outside mirror(s) to center on the adjacent lane of traffic with a slight overlap of the view obtained on the inside mirror.

Vehicles and other objects seen in an outside convex mirror will look smaller and farther away than they really are. Relying too much on side convex mirrors could cause you to collide with another vehicle or other object. Use your inside mirror when judging the size or distance of a vehicle seen in a side convex mirror.

    See also:

    Power Sunroof — If Equipped
    The power sunroof switch is located between the sun visors on the overhead console. Power Sunroof Switch WARNING! • Never leave children in a vehicle with the key in the ignition switch. Oc ...

    A/C Air Filter – If Equipped
    Refer to the “Maintenance Schedule” for the proper maintenance intervals. WARNING! Do not remove the A/C Air Filter while the blower is operating or personal injury may result. The A/C Air ...

    General Information
    • You can start out, from a stop, in any gear except sixth. The system will ignore attempts to upshift at too low of a vehicle speed. • If a ratio other than first gear is selected, and the ...