Key Fob
The Key Fob operates the ignition switch. Insert the square end of the key fob into the ignition switch located on the instrument panel and rotate to the desired position.
It also contains the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter and an emergency key, which stores in the rear of the Key Fob.
The emergency key allows for entry into the vehicle should the battery in the vehicle or the RKE transmitter go dead. The emergency key is also for locking the lower glove compartment. You can keep the emergency key with you when valet parking.
To remove the emergency key, slide the mechanical latch at the top of the Key Fob sideways with your thumb and then pull the key out with your other hand.
Emergency Key Removal
You can insert the double-sided emergency key
into the lock cylinder with either side up.
See also:
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− When using the speed control, if you experience speed
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