HSA Activation Criteria
The following criteria must be met in order for HSA to activate:
• Vehicle must be stopped.
• Vehicle must be on a 6% (approximate) grade or greater hill.
• Gear selection matches vehicle uphill direction (i.e., vehicle facing uphill is in forward gear; vehicle backing uphill is in REVERSE gear).
HSA will work in REVERSE and all forward gears when the activation criteria have been met. The system will not activate if the vehicle is placed in NEUTRAL or PARK.
There may be situations on minor hills (i.e., less than
8%), with a loaded vehicle, or while pulling a trailer,
when the system will not activate and slight rolling
may occur. This could cause a collision with another
vehicle or object. Always remember the driver is
responsible for braking the vehicle.
See also:
Ambient Light Control
Rotate the right dimmer control upward or downward to
increase or decrease the brightness of the door handle
lights and ambient light located in the overhead console.
Door Handle/Ambient Light ...
Call By Saying A Phonebook Name
• Press the button to begin,
• After the “Listening” prompt and the following beep, say “Call John Doe
• The Uconnect™ Phone will dial the number associated with John Doe ...
Shift Lever Override
If a malfunction occurs and the shift lever cannot be
moved out of the PARK position, you can use the
following procedure to temporarily move the shift lever:
1. Firmly apply the parking brake.