Connecting The iPod Or External USB Device
Use the connection cable to connect an iPod or external USB device to the vehicle’s USB connector port which is located in the glove compartment.
USB Connector Port
The glove compartment will have a position
where the iPod or consumer electronic audio device
cable can be routed through without damaging the cable
when closing the lid. This allows routing of the cable
without damaging it while closing the lid. If a cut out is
not available in the glove compartment, route the cable
away from the lid latch and in a place that will allow the
lid to close without damaging the cable.
Once the audio device is connected and synchronized to the vehicle’s iPod /USB/MP3 control system (iPod or external USB device may take a few minutes to connect), the audio device starts charging and is ready for use by pressing radio switches, as described below.
If the audio device battery is completely discharged,
it may not communicate with the iPod /USB/
MP3 control system until a minimum charge is attained.
Leaving the audio device connected to the iPod /USB/ MP3 control system may charge it to the required level.
See also:
To Deactivate
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button, or normal brake pressure while slowing the
vehicle will deactivate Electronic Speed Control without
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Voice Tree
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2. You can replace “80’s on 8” with any other satellite
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