Flashers with Sliding Door

When this feature is selected the signal lamps activate when power or manual sliding doors are in operation, signaling other drivers that someone may be exiting or entering the vehicle. To make your selection, press and release the SELECT button until a check-mark appears next to the feature showing the system has been activated or the check-mark is removed showing the system has been deactivated.

    See also:

    Power Sliding Side Door Open Flash
    The left and right exterior hazard lights will flash for 12 seconds when either sliding door is opened. This will alert other drivers in the area that passenger(s) could be entering or exiting t ...

    Average Fuel Economy
    Shows the average fuel economy since the last reset. The Average Fuel Economy can be reset by following the prompt in the EVIC to use the SELECT button. When the fuel economy is reset, the displ ...

    Miles Per Gallon (MPG)
    The Miles Per Gallon (MPG) feature displays instantaneous fuel economy in a bar graph below the DTE, this function cannot be reset. Press the BACK button to return to the main menu. ...